Welcome to Our Community

Located in northwest corner of Wheeling, near Buffalo Grove, the Cedar Run HOC is a vibrant and diverse neighborhood made up of eleven phases of condo units, with the HOC having responsibility for the common areas and recreational facilities of the community.  With a beautiful location near shopping, dining and with easy highway access, Cedar Run HOC is a wonderful community for every family.

Amenities include a clubhouse available for owners to rent for private parties, two playgrounds and a pool, as well as walking paths and two ponds.  Families of every generation live, work and play in this association.  Living in Cedar Run HOC offers to make everyday life extraordinary for those who call it home.

Ubicado en la esquina noroeste de Wheeling, cerca de Buffalo Grove, la Corporación Cedar Run Homeowners es una comunidad  vibrante con diversidad que está compuesta de once fases de unidades de condominios, siendo el HOC responsable de las áreas comunes y las instalaciones recreativas de la comunidad. Con una hermosa ubicación cerca de tiendas, restaurantes y con fácil acceso a la autopista, Cedar Run es una comunidad maravillosa para cada familia.

Las comodidades incluyen una clubhouse que es disponible para los propietarios y se puede alquilar para fiestas privadas, dos parques para niños, una alberca, al igual hay dos senderos para caminar y dos lagos pequeños con fuente. Las familias de cada generación viven, trabajan y juegan en esta asociación. Vivir en Cedar Run HOC ofrece a hacer la vida cotidiana extraordinaria para aquellos que lo llaman su hogar.

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Community Living

Part of living in a community association means that everyone must follow certain Rules and Regulations for the benefit of our association and all of our homeowners. Since we live in such close proximity to one another, it is important that everyone does their part. Please log in to TownSq by following the link at the top of the page and view our community governing documents and learn more.

We are professionally managed by Associa Chicagoland. Please contact at 847-279-0128 or helpmechicagoland@associa.us with any community questions.